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Chandail Needlework
2400 Mid Lane #340
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 524-6942


Painted Canvas > People
Showing 1 - 40 of results
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PC- Damn You Needlepoint! I have stuff to do. 9" x 9" 18M


PC-3 Ethnic Women 13M 20" x 16"


PC-A Good Red 6" x6" 18M


PC-A Walk In Paris 8" x 11" 13M


PC-A Woman's View 10" x 8" 13M


PC-Abundant Harvest 9" x 5" 18M


PC-African Glamour


PC-Anna Estella Sewing


PC-Armload of Books 12" x 10" 18M


PC-Art Deco Lady in Red 13.5" x 12" 18M


PC-Art Deco Lady w/Green Gloves 13.5" x 12" 18M


PC-Art Deco Lady Winter 13" x 12" 18M


PC-Autumn Vintage Lady 10.5" x 8" 18M


PC-Ballerina 7" x 7" 18M


PC-Be Kind 8" x 8" 13M


PC-Beauty Shop 18x14" 13m


PC-Belle 14" x 11" 18M


PC-Best Foot Forward 17"x14" 13M


PC-Betsy Ross 15" x 6" 18M


PC-Bird on a Swing 18M


PC-Birdie 14.5" x 15" 18M


PC-BJ Freda with Rooster and Pig 8 3/4" x 13 1/4" 18M


PC-Black and White Garden Stoll 14" x 11" 18M




PC-Blonde Stitcher 12"x13.5" 18M


PC-Blowing Petals 7.5" x 7.5" 18M


PC-Blue and Yellow Madonna 10" x 5.5" 18M


PC-Blue Bird Madonna Ornament 5.5" Round 18M


PC-Blue Heart 3" X 3" 18m


PC-Blue Shades 5.25" x 5.25" 18M


PC-Blue/Yellow Madonna 5.5" Round 18M


PC-Boy/Girl in Boat 6" x 6" 18M


PC-Bright Frida 11.5" x 11.5" 18M


PC-Buy the Shoe, no reason to be the richest.... 11.25" x 9" 18M


PC-Cafe Society 6.5" x 4" 18M


PC-Caribbean Princess #1


PC-Carribbean Princess 15" x 11" 13 M


PC-Cat Stitching Girl 5" Round 18M


PC-Cat Walk 18M


PC-Cherry 12" x 9.5" 18M


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